Saturday, April 17, 2010

What are friends for

What are friends for?
OK so today not only did my friends ditch me, but they were supposed to be my best friends! Honestly i am so mad, but the thing that bugs me the most is that when they saw me they tried to hide from me, as if i wouldn't see them, so obviously they knew would get mad, aughhhhh I'm just so mad. I guess you can really tell who people are By the way they act when your not there. And as I'm writing this i am texting my "best friend" who said she wasn't hanging, she was having a "movie day" and didn't wanna hang with anyone, but as soon as she found ou that a guy she just met that she thinks is really hot is hanging, She said she would hang, so instead of hoes over bros she chose a guy over me, her supposed best friend. All because she thinks hes hot. i am really starting to get over having friends id rather just be myself it gets me alot farther, not to mention its alot less painful on my part, seeing as I'm usually the one to get hurt. When is it gonna be my turn? My turn to have something go right for once, Cause I'm really not liking how my life's being delt right now, sure everything is good and i know there are tons of people way way worse off, but i honestly can not take very much more of this pain, it all builds up and everything that builds up has to crash at some point, the question now is... When is it gonna be my turn to crack? Sometimes people just really get me angry and i dint understand why it always happens to me time after time, Maybe i did something in my previous life to deserve it and if i did I'm truly sorry, i just want it to end. So after thinking about it and really utting thought into it out of my used to be for best friends i have one for sure who i know i Can always count on to love me, trust me, not sith me, understand me and basically be there whenever i need her,She has ALWAYS been there for me, and then there one more, she can be amazing at times but then horrible at others,, can sometimes trust her ,Some what not really depend on her to be there when i need her, but we have had good times, so i have one maybe 2 best friends outta 4 left, and I'm OK with it, i just need to re asses my situation, IL let you know how it turns out, I'm turning in for the night tho, so good night and wish me luck things get better :)

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