Friday, April 16, 2010


So today is friday april 16th i think im not to sure, but today i have my volleyabll provincials, and i`m quite nervuos, i have been up since 4:30 am. I have butterflies in my stomach well writing this because its just occuring to me now what going on around me. the stadui im playing in has 24 courts and around 65 teams will be there. so im just a lttle scared(note sarcasim used). If my team does good then we wll continue through until sunday but if not then we go home after saturdays games. an upside tho i get to stay in a hotel which for me doesnt happen very often , im not a big traveler. but i just wanted to vent about how scared i am right now, but i have a fellng we`re gonna do amazing today :)
so bye for now
Macey <3

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